Executive Summary of the Project
The project "Religion and Civic Identity in the NorthWest of Hispania during the Early Roman Empire" is the final stage of two previous works (HUM2005-02 850 and HUM2008-0358HIST), both concerned with indigenous deities in the Northwest of Hispania. Those projects studied the context of the ciuitas and its relations with the worshippers.
This third phase is intended as a complement to the two previous projects. It also purpots to complete the exhaustive and detailed analysis of the votive inscriptions of the three Conventus of the Northwest of Hispania (Asturicense, Lucense and Bracaraugustano). The main aim of this work is then to establish a sound and reliable corpus which may take into account the latest findings. This corpus will thus constitute itself as the basic tool of this research.
The project draws from an exhaustive and rigorous collection and description of the basic data that is needed for such historical studies. Updating and completing the database concerning indigenous deities known since 2006 constitutes then a pivotal goal of this project. Reached this stage, we will publish an epigraphic corpus of Northwest votive inscriptions with indigenous theonimians.
We will first proceed by establishing the divine families belonging to the various civitates in order to analyse the role that religio may have played in the creation and manifestation of communal and civic identities in the Hispanic NorthWest. Throughout this work we intend to prove that the regionalization of indigenous cults favored the consolidation of new local identities. This new approach aims to overcome the outdated historiographical studies which tend to analyze religious manifestations regarding them as indigenous, given time of cult survivals, their opposition to being Romanized, their syncretism and their assimilation.
Keywords: Religio, ciuitas, Hispania, norwest, Identity, Epigraphy, Early Roman Empire, indigenous teonims, epigraphic corpus, local identities.
This third phase is intended as a complement to the two previous projects. It also purpots to complete the exhaustive and detailed analysis of the votive inscriptions of the three Conventus of the Northwest of Hispania (Asturicense, Lucense and Bracaraugustano). The main aim of this work is then to establish a sound and reliable corpus which may take into account the latest findings. This corpus will thus constitute itself as the basic tool of this research.
The project draws from an exhaustive and rigorous collection and description of the basic data that is needed for such historical studies. Updating and completing the database concerning indigenous deities known since 2006 constitutes then a pivotal goal of this project. Reached this stage, we will publish an epigraphic corpus of Northwest votive inscriptions with indigenous theonimians.
We will first proceed by establishing the divine families belonging to the various civitates in order to analyse the role that religio may have played in the creation and manifestation of communal and civic identities in the Hispanic NorthWest. Throughout this work we intend to prove that the regionalization of indigenous cults favored the consolidation of new local identities. This new approach aims to overcome the outdated historiographical studies which tend to analyze religious manifestations regarding them as indigenous, given time of cult survivals, their opposition to being Romanized, their syncretism and their assimilation.
Keywords: Religio, ciuitas, Hispania, norwest, Identity, Epigraphy, Early Roman Empire, indigenous teonims, epigraphic corpus, local identities.